Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I used to like jello......

I am really kinda ticked off with this thing. This thing meaning this blogger because I started to write a blog at the beginning of class today and saved it as a draft, but now I cannot edit it and publish it as a blog. Grrrr....I am just really frustrated. Its not that it contained anything important or even 'newsworthy'....I just wanted to finish that particular blog and publish it. So anywho I am sitting at home right now, procrastinating my studies....I have become a master at that, studying no...procrastination yes. I am trying to get back into the swing of things with school but its difficult sometimes, especially right now since I had an extra long holiday break (all of my teachers last semester had finished class by December 1). Its almost like my mind can't compute the fact that second semester has started and that I am already getting slightly behind. I feel as though I am in slow mo, trapped in a mold of jello as the rest of the world races by and theres a big clock above my head. Except this clock is not up to speed with the rest of the world either, its ticking by slowly, its seconds are really minutes and its minutes are really hours. Even when I am active I still feel slow, and the jello bogs me down even more the faster I try to move. Its just sort of an odd feeling for someone who is so used to being on the go all the time. My body is telling my mind that its tired. I really don't know how much longer I am going to be able to hold on to both of my jobs. I think working 2 jobs and going to school full time are creating this jello mold that is slowly beginning to envelope me. Well I guess all good things come to an end and right now this blog has got to end, I must attempt to study a little.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

When people run in circles..It's a very very...Mad World....Mad World.

I consider myself to be somewhat outspoken and to voice my opinion when I feel passionate about a subject. When it comes to politics I like to take in all sides and consider all options, but I am not afraid to state my case even if those involved in the discussion do not exactly agree with my opinion. But I am usually careful in the settings in which I bring up the topic of politics, for it is a very sticky subject. However right now I feel that it is a good time for my voice and the voice of my fellow peers to be heard. I am in complete oposition to Bush's resolution to build up troops in Iraq. 20,000+ is not a build up, its another small army. For those interested, to get a better idea of this movement check out more: mobileresist
I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.I "apologize" if it seems a little self centered, but what good is this "War" doing for our country? I think the idea of this war has been lost and the reasons it began have been forgotten. Do we actually believe that we can help spread some of the American ideals of democracy to a country such as Iraq? These people have been fighting one another since the beginning of time over a simple matter of religion. If they wanted to be liberated and instill some sort of democratic government they would have come to terms and overthrown their government long ago. I am not saying that many of them don't want to be liberated but its not up to our country to help them do so. "If there is a will then there is a way.." Right now the only will they seem to have is to destroy one another. The Kurds, the Shiites and the Sunis can't even come to grips with one another's difference in religious faiths,so how can they ever agree on governing a country together? This war no longer deals with our country, so lets stop meddling in Iraq's business and take a closer look at our nation. Yes, I support our troops...I support to bring them home.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Nice Weekend

Well....I am feeling slightly overwhelmed at the moment. Yeah yeah yeah, I know "works better under pressure".....but right now the pressure is getting kinda heavy. I work two jobs and go to school full time. Doesn't sound like much but when you figure in study time plus my other daily routines like working out at the gym...not to mention I am planning my wedding (which is in May!!!) then the anxiety sets in. I am usually a cool, calm and collected individual but currently pulling my hair out and having a breakdown seems to be a better idea. Not really, but I can't even find time to clean my house...which is slightly depressing because I am neat freak, sometimes overdramatizing the "messes" my fiance makes. Thinking about doing laundry right now makes me feel nauseous. No wonder why I have a hernia....which just happened about 2 days ago. It hurts and now I have to squeeze a doctor visit into my already hectic schedule. Well, anywho, don't think that I am a complainer, because I am not. Although it seems like my world is spinning outta control with too many things to do, I do realize the importance of sitting back and relaxing sometimes. This weekend was quite pleasant actually. John and I went to Montgomery for the Shakespeare Festival on Sunday to see "James and the Giant Peach." Surprisingly, it was very well put on and the costumes were amazing. Then we had a lovely dinner at Carrabba's and after a glass or two of wine we decided to randomly stay the night in Montgomery in a classy hotel (I love my Visa....except when I get the bill...) Even though I didn't get a bit of studying done, I had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

creating a link

This is a link to the class blog.

You Have Now Entered the Twilight Zone.

Well....I guess I should begin with "Hi my name is Amanda..." but most just know me as Mandy.
I can't really think of anything too important to type at the moment....my mind is tired and won't be able to function until I feed my coffee addiction.