Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Nice Weekend

Well....I am feeling slightly overwhelmed at the moment. Yeah yeah yeah, I know "works better under pressure".....but right now the pressure is getting kinda heavy. I work two jobs and go to school full time. Doesn't sound like much but when you figure in study time plus my other daily routines like working out at the gym...not to mention I am planning my wedding (which is in May!!!) then the anxiety sets in. I am usually a cool, calm and collected individual but currently pulling my hair out and having a breakdown seems to be a better idea. Not really, but I can't even find time to clean my house...which is slightly depressing because I am neat freak, sometimes overdramatizing the "messes" my fiance makes. Thinking about doing laundry right now makes me feel nauseous. No wonder why I have a hernia....which just happened about 2 days ago. It hurts and now I have to squeeze a doctor visit into my already hectic schedule. Well, anywho, don't think that I am a complainer, because I am not. Although it seems like my world is spinning outta control with too many things to do, I do realize the importance of sitting back and relaxing sometimes. This weekend was quite pleasant actually. John and I went to Montgomery for the Shakespeare Festival on Sunday to see "James and the Giant Peach." Surprisingly, it was very well put on and the costumes were amazing. Then we had a lovely dinner at Carrabba's and after a glass or two of wine we decided to randomly stay the night in Montgomery in a classy hotel (I love my Visa....except when I get the bill...) Even though I didn't get a bit of studying done, I had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

1 comment:

John Hadley Strange said...

Breaks help. Sounds like you had a great one!